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AccelByte Gaming Services (AGS) Starter Fulfillment service is used to grant earned or purchased entitlements to players. If a player purchases an item or redeems a promotional code, the Fulfillment service works to ensure that they receive that item immediately.

Fulfillment works with other AccelByte Gaming Services (AGS) Starter Monetization services to distribute items to your players. First, the Orders service sends information about a newly placed order to the Fulfillment service. Then, the Entitlement and E-commerce services work together to check the availability of the item. If the item is available, it will be granted to the player.

Managing Fulfillment in the Admin Portal

View a Fulfillment Log

You can open a fulfillment log in the Admin Portal to see if that fulfillment was successful.

  1. In the desired game title, expand the E-Commerce menu and select Fulfillments.

  2. On the Fulfillment Logs page, you can see a list of all of the fulfillment logs. You can filter the fulfillment logs by Fulfillment Status (Successful or Failed). You can also search for a particular log using the player’s User ID.

    Fulfillment Log

  3. To open a log, click View in that log’s Details column.

Implementing Fulfillment using the SDK

Code Redemption

A player can redeem a campaign code to receive entitlements such as games, in-game items, or coins. To redeem a code, call RedeemCode from the Fulfillment API. The code will be redeemed and the player will receive their entitlements under the following conditions:

  • The code exists in the game namespace.
  • The maximum redemption limit hasn’t been reached.
  • The time and date of the redemption falls within the redemption period.
FString Code = FString("MyRedeemCode");
FString Region = FString("US"); // Leave it blank if you want to use the default value from user token
FString Language = FString("en"); // Leave it blank if you want to use the default value from user token
FRegistry::Fulfillment.RedeemCode(Code, Region, Language, THandler<FAccelByteModelsFulfillmentResult>::CreateLambda([](const FAccelByteModelsFulfillmentResult& Result)
// Do something if RedeemCode has been successful
FErrorHandler::CreateLambda([](int32 ErrorCode, const FString& ErrorMessage)
// Do something if RedeemCode has an error
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("Error RedeemCode, Error Code: %d Error Message: %s"), ErrorCode, *ErrorMessage);

Game Server Grants Item to Player

The FulfillUserItem() function can be used to allow the game server to trigger the Fulfillment service and grant an item to a player. This can be used to immediately grant a player an item when they earn a particular achievement, or to grant every player in a match a special item for a particular game mode but have that item disappear from the player’s inventory when the match is over.

#include "GameServerApi/AccelByteServerEcommerceApi.h"

FString UserId = FString("SomeUserId");
FAccelByteModelsFulfillmentRequest FulfillmentRequest;
FulfillmentRequest.ItemId = FString("SomeItemId");
FulfillmentRequest.OrderNo = FString("SomeOrderNo");
FulfillmentRequest.Language = FString("en");
FulfillmentRequest.Region = FString("US");
FulfillmentRequest.Quantity = 1;
FulfillmentRequest.Source = EAccelByteItemSource::ACHIEVEMENT;

FRegistry::ServerEcommerce.FulfillUserItem(UserId, FulfillmentRequest, THandler<FAccelByteModelsFulfillmentResult>::CreateLambda([](const FAccelByteModelsFulfillmentResult& Result)
// Do something if FulfillUserItem has been successful
FErrorHandler::CreateLambda([](int32 ErrorCode, const FString& ErrorMessage)
// Do something if FulfillUserItem has an error
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("Error FulfillUserItem, Error Code: %d Error Message: %s"), ErrorCode, *ErrorMessage);

  • See our Entitlements service to learn more about managing player entitlements.
  • See our Orders documentation to learn more about integrating our Orders service into your game and managing player orders from the Admin Portal.
  • Learn how to create codes that players can redeem for games or items in our Code Redemption documentation.